Liturgical Arts

Liturgical arts engage the senses to enhance our encounter with God in worship.  At GPC, this creative group uses the scriptures and liturgical seasons as the foundation for its liturgical art.  Together, they read the scriptures for any given Sunday or liturgical season and talk about how they react with their senses.  None of the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell is excluded, although usually the reaction is visual.  Ideas are brainstormed, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations are considererd.  The aim is to illustrate the scriptures or present them symbolically or abstractly.

The group finds they work most effectively as a group.  They enjoy inspiration, creativity, and fun from working together, a situation where quality is enhanced by quantity.  Everyone who has creative ideas and feels moved to express his or her faith visually is welcome.  Contact Chuck Niesen with questions, comments, or information about attending one of the Liturgical Arts work meetings.