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GPC Life

Glendale Presbyterian Church is a creative intergenerational community of faith that proclaims and shares God’s love through its worship and ministries. GPC is a place to belong, to serve, to celebrate, and grow through worship, education, community outreach and more. Click on the image to view the Church Calendar.

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GlenPres Newsletter

Stay up to date with the congregational life at GPC with GlenPres, GPC's published newsletter. Click on the links below to download and view each document.

Growing together in faith


Christian Education at GPC

Sunday School

All children are welcome to participate in Sunday School in lieu of attending worship service throughout the school year. Classes generally consist of:

  • A discussion of the Bible passage from the week's liturgy and what it means to the children,

  • A craft project related to the Bible passage, and

  • Games or other fun activities.

Senior youth often volunteer to help mentor the younger children during classes.

Adult Study groups

Adult small groups are held throughout the year for Bible study and book study.


“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. ”

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Current Mission Projects

Glendale Presbyterian Church supports the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. 

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians Mission Statement:

Confident in God’s hopeful future and grateful for the ever-widening welcome of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Covenant Network of Presbyterians seeks an equity still not fully realized for LGBTQIA+ people in church and society, by: engaging the church to invite all of God’s children into safe and welcoming congregational spaces of affirmation, healing, dignity and purpose; educating the church to expand our welcome of LGBTQIA+ people, to affirm their gifts for ordained office, and to uphold marriage equality for all; and equipping the church to bear witness to justice through advocacy and activism at the international, national and local church levels; speaking a prophetic word in anxious and divided times; and standing with others in fighting hate and oppression against any of God’s children. The Covenant Network of Presbyterians calls the church to bear a unified witness to generous hospitality and faithful justice.

Please click the following link to learn more about the Covenant Network of Presbyterians organization:

Glendale Presbyterian Church supports the Webster-Rock Hill Ministries through financial donations, as well as making regular donations of food, clothing, and personal care items. 

GPC participates annually in various WRHM programs, including the Back-to-School Backpack Program, Thanksgiving Basket, and the Christmas Adopt-a-Family programs. 

The WRHM Mission Statement:

Webster-Rock Hill Ministries is a cooperative effort of member churches to fulfill their commission to serve people in need in our community. We wish to create alternatives for those who feel they have none.

This includes people who lack the physical necessities of life, emotional resources to cope, or spiritual counsel. WRHM works to create community by promoting understanding between people and groups.

In doing so, we provide opportunities for diverse members of our community to work together across lines of class, age, race and denomination.

Please click the following link to learn more about the WRHM organization:

Our church has supported Room at the Inn for over 25 years, serving for the first years as a safe stay for homeless women and families one or two designated nights a month and now supporting RATI with funds and food as the program has shifted to a permanent location to provide stability for the families it supports.

Room at the Inn provides immediate, temporary shelter to homeless women and families in the St. Louis region. In addition, they work with them to create an individualized plan back to self-sufficiency, including referrals to other human services agencies. Then they mentor them to improve their chances for success.

Please click the following link to learn more about the Room at the Inn organization:

Every year our congregation supports all four of the PCUSA Special Offerings:

Christmas Joy Offering: 

One Great Hour of Sharing: 

Pentecost Offering:

Peace and Global Witness Offering:

On the First Sunday of each month you can donate can goods or cash and you may just take home a delicious dessert! For each can good, or dollar donated, you will receive an entry into the drawing. All donations will be contributed to the Webster - Rock Hill Food Pantry. The winner will be drawn during Coffee Fellowship.



GPC members and friends seek Christ’s hands in service throughout the surrounding community, the City of St. Louis, and the world at large.

Organizations supported actively and/or financially by GPC:

Food Pantry Shopping List

  • spaghetti sauce and dry pasta
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • potato flakes
  • dried beans (one pound)
  • canned fruit and vegetables
  • pork and beans
  • oatmeal
  • canned tuna
  • macaroni and cheese
  • soups (condensed is preferred)

The Mission and Service station is located by the parking lot doors.  You may leave your donations in the marked wire baskets.